Jay Leno

CarGurus has joined comedian and car enthusiast Jay Leno for the revival of popular game show "You Bet Your Life."

Autobody News

The online auto platform for buying and selling vehicles has launched a premier partnership with the gameshow inspired by the classic Groucho Marx game show.

What does the partnership entail?

CarGurus will play a big role, and viewers will see the auto company integrated into every episode. For example: the “CarGurus secret word of the day.” When the word is presented by Leno, viewers will see a QR code pop up to scan, which leads them to CarGurus.com.

“Jay Leno is a leading comedian, but also well known as a car fanatic, so felt like a great fit with our brand,” said Sarah Welch, chief marketing officer at CarGurus, in the press releae announcing ths news. “Consumers have come to trust Jay’s automotive expertise, and as the pioneer in bringing trust into car shopping, we are thrilled to socialize CarGurus to Jay’s vast fan base through this partnership.”

The press release from CarGurus explained its CarGurus logo and a car animation will appear on-screen to bring attention to the secret word, and if one of the contestants says that word during the episode, then that animation will reappear—providing CarGurus with even more brand recognition.

Via this intergration, watchers are pushed through to the CarGurus site, and will be privy to more info on how to find their next vehicle, get pre-qualified for finacing, sell their car and more.

“The ‘You Bet Your Life’ revival is a comedy game show that will…